After the wedding, Kristen and Leo had a quick trip to the Bahamas and then decided to extend their honeymoon with a trip to the farm for deer hunting. They made it in time for a couple days of bowhunting followed by the Ohio Bonus Gun Weekend.
Leo making some adjustments which were needed. His 3rd pin was sending them way over target. In the Spring, I may find a few arrows in the grass.
My bow was shooting great on field points. I tried a couple broadheads and they were hitting about 8" to the right. Not sure why that was but I made the adjustment.
My Mom gave me a set of tableware with classic game scenes on them. It was an early Christmas present.
Eric noticed a recipe in the Wall Street Journal for a quail salad with pears. We gave it a try and it was really good.
Kristen leaving the ladder stand one morning.
Here's Leo showing Kristen the way in one morning.
Here's what didn't happen while we were there - a nice buck under the stand during daylight.
Sunrise one morning.
No luck during bow hunting but Leo took this nice doe during the gun weekend. She ended up weighing 120 pounds after field dressing.
Field dressing in process with help from Dave. He joined us for the weekend.
The gut pile - normally the coyotes don't let this last long.
Leo butchers his own deer.
Here's a few of the "walk by's" on the trail cameras.
A fox made a visit one evening.
I also took a doe. She weighed 115 pounds. There were three 4 point bucks in the field but I was waiting for a bigger one. I finally ran out of light and took this doe,
The deer have pretty well picked the food plots. This is some brassica eated down to the stems.
Poop of the week - this one appears to be classic coyote - full of fur.
As usual, there are rubs everywhere. I happen to sit down beside this one for a mid-day hunt.
Following are some of the bucks that showed up on camera but that we couldn't find during gun season. I did see several of them in the fields during bow hunting. I think our activity during bow season drove them nocturnal by the time gun weekend happened.And, finally, a few more of the "drive-by's" from the game cameras.