Sunday, June 26, 2011

Unproductive Weekend

I decided to play golf on Saturday (posted my first round this year at Heritage Club) and, as a result, we didn't get to the farm until 5:00pm.  Saturday evening was beautiful and I got a couple hours of tractor work done.  The main garden (pumpkin patch) had grown a ton of weeds in one week (and I haven't dealt with them yet).  We had 1.8" of rain during the week and it helped the seeds germinate that I had planted last weekend.

Most of the pumpkins sprouted.
I think that these are mostly beans (below).
The sunflower plot was broadcast seeded last week and it looks like a great germination rate.
The soybean plots are up and the deer are already browing them.  I was thinking about hitting them with some Roundup this weekend to kill the weeds but the weather interfered.
I saw quite a few turkey this weekend - it seems like they tend to come out in the fields when it rains.
 Here I am wearing another of my new shirts.  I tore a hole in the armpit of this one.  You'll notice that I'm always in long sleeves and long pants.  There are two reasons - sun exposure and...
 TICKS!  This little bugger was inside my shirt.
 When I got up Sunday morning with my long list of chores, it was pouring rain.  I was planning to weed the garden, plant some more pumpkins and spray fields with Roundup.  I was also planning to do some more shooting with my 30-06.  Nyet.
 The only chore that I did do was to put up the "plotsaver" tape to discourage deer from chowing down on the sunflowers and the garden.  I put a stinky liquid on the tape and it works.  The label says that it's made from putrified egg whites.
 Having company for the 4th of July (next weekend) so I'm not sure when I'll get this stuff done.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Velvet Bucks

It's only June but there are some very promising looking bucks running around.  Three more months until the bucks rub the velvet off their antlers.  There were alot of bucks on camera but very few does.  I saw 4 bucks walk past the pond on Saturday evening while two other ones were in the barn field.  I have to assume that the does are all with fawns somewhere.

If you made it this far, after looking at all those pictures of bucks, you must be a real deer-geek.