We got an inch of rain and the hot weather broke. Only supposed to be a high of 80F or so this week.
Since the ground was wet, I decided to spread some wheat/oat seed on the bare spots in the driveway stand. I had over seeded a soybean plot with brassicas and I had stripes that I had apparently missed when seeding.So I spread some of this mix in those spots. Picked it up at the farm supply store.
Where I did get the brassica seed down, it came in very well.
Then I took the dogs for a walk to check cameras.
And the skies opened up on us. Good for the seed I just put down.
But we got really wet.
Violet found a turtle.
My other two brassica plots were over-run with weeds. Pigweed and galinsoga mostly.
There was good brassica in there but it was being overtaken with warm season annual weeds.
I decided that I had nothing to lose and I put the bushhog on its highest setting.
I mowed both of the fields on the theory that the soybeans and brassica could handle the mowing better than the weeds could. I guess we will see. At least the seed heads are gone.
The pumpkin patch is pretty good except some serious outbreaks of powdery mildew.
I used to use a fungicide but I quit a few years ago. Some types more resistant than others.
Even when the leaves are dying, the pumpkins are still usually pretty good.
I tried spraying again this week with a copper based treatment.
I thought this series of a bobcat was pretty neat (in broad daylight).
Seems to be a young/small one.
Lots of coyotes too.
Does and fawns.
Little bucks. Velvet should be coming off soon. Usually first week of September.
And the turkeys.
Visiting geese.