Sunday, July 7, 2013

Time to Build an Ark?

At home in Mason, we dumped 3.5" out of the rain gauge on July 4th and another 3.5" on July 5th.  It's been the wettest holiday weekend that I can remember.  When we got to the farm, the gauge was leaning over from the weight - when I stood it back up it was about 3.5".
Last year we had about 2.5" in May and June.  This year we have about 10" in the same time frame.
The pumpkin patch is a sloppy mess but everything is growing.
This is my vegetable row.  It has beans, squash and zucchini.
I planted over a month so there are different stages of development.
Some of my newer rows are dominated by weeds.  Not alot that I could do about it in this slop.
In those weeds, there are some plants.  This one is a watermelon.
Ugh - it is going to be a struggle to recover these rows from the weeds.
Some areas aren't quite as bad (yet).
I planted 4 different kind of beans but I didn't really keep track of what's what.
The beans are doing pretty well.
A couple zucchinis were rotten - I guess due to the weather.  There were some good ones though.
Also squash.
First harvest of the season.
The fields are pretty right now.  I believe this is Indian Paintbrush and Black Eyed Susans.
Bachelor Buttons?
The happiest plants on the property are the ferns.
Wild raspberries are just starting.  We have both red and black.
The red ones looked really good.
I picked a few and they were great.  The black ones aren't quite ripe and are sour.
Since it was so wet, I was limited on the chores that I could accomplish.  I decided to start on the prep for this years elk hunt.  Incidentally, our scoundrel outfitter has sent a second check - if it clears we will have received our money back!
I wasn't wild about these groups at 100 yards off of bags on a bench.  Probably averaging 3" or 4".  This will definitely take some additional effort to tune it up.
Five shots from the 200 yard bench and it was probably a 10" group.  Not good enough.
The sunflowers are looking really good.  The field outside the dining room was planted earliest.
They are getting ready to bloom.
This other field was planted a couple weeks behind but is looking good too.
New soybean plot near the hi-rise stand - looking good.  The soybeans in the orchard field are a little thin but ok.

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Clover at the driveway stand - got a good head start on the weeds.
Poop of the week - either a coyote or a coon left us this gift in the middle of the driveway.
Not alot of action on camera this week.  Days of rain.  One camera left off by accident (whoops).
The fawns are up and about.

A couple of nice bucks.

I'm wearing 1000 gram thinsulate boots in July - the only rubber boots that I have.

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