Sunday, April 6, 2014

Prep For Africa and The Start of Spring

Seven weeks until we get on the plane for South Africa.  I'm going to be hunting plains game and I'm trying to get my shooting whipped into shape.
 I ordered plains game targets and I have been practicing on them.  This week is warthog.  Based on the size of target versus real life, shooting from 116 yards is equivalent to a 200 yard shot.
 So I set up about 120 yards out with the shooting sticks.  The target is below the hunting stand (across the pond).
 I added the target circles after the fact.  I took 16 shots.
 On the back side of the target is a map of the vitals.  I gave myself credit for 14 kills and two misses.  I think that the three in the shoulder blade would have gotten spine.  My horizontal grouping was better this week.  In general, the group is still high.
 Somewhere I stumbled across a list of classic books on African safaris.  I read this one already and really enjoyed it.  It was written in the 1950's about a husband/wife going on a 30 day safari in Kenya and Tanganyika (Tanzania today).  Although he hunted some dangerous game, he also pursued plains game (not always successfully).  It was well written and enjoyable especially since Joan will be on safari with me.  Other than some not quite politically correct race references, it wasn't obvious that it was written 50 years ago. Eventually I'll read more by Ruark.  Here's the Amazon link Amazon Robert Ruark
 Right now I'm reading Peter Capstick.  It's a little more current ('70's to 90's).  I'm in the middle of Death in the Long Grass.  It is focused on dangerous game but is still a very good read.  He has a whole series of books and I will probably read more of him too. Amazon on Peter Capstick
 Joan is preparing for Africa by using her new camera.  The weather was nice enough for her to come out and tour on Saturday.  She used her shorter lens and took the following photos.
 She's also breaking in her new safari shoes.  Flip flops probably won't cut it on safari.
 So she took photos of me on the camera run.
And some general shots around the farm.
 Here I'm putting out a salt block on an old stump.
 An artistic shot of a stump.
 More camera stops at a mineral lick.
 Some evidence of Spring but other than the grass greening it wasn't much.
Several varieties of daffodils.
 Foreground and background in focus.
Nice sky.
 Another camera check at a mineral lick.
Experimenting with lens.  This one zoomed.
This one not zoomed.
We are having some issues with Asian lady bugs.  When it gets cold in the Fall, they come into the cabin walls.
 When it gets warm in the Spring, they emerge and go to the sunshine in the windows.  Thousands and thousands of them.  The pictures do not do justice to the problem.  I just keep vacuuming them up.
 Out on my walk.  This area had really good red raspberries last year.  I think it is the pricker bushes that currently have this red fuzz.
 Or it might be these that are just starting to green up.
 On my walk, I came upon 4 deer - the Iphone photos don't quite do justice.  I was 60 to 80 yards away and they didn't know it.
 The wind was in my face and the creek was making noise so they couldn't hear me.  I watched them drink for awhile before they wondered off.
 The fields are just starting to green up - nothing on the trees yet.
Interesting diversity on camera this week.  This is a pileated woodpecker in the orchard (Woody Woodpecker).
 Coyote.  They're looking forward to fawning season and to turkey poults.
 A buck - not much happening yet in his pedicles.
 Red fox.
A gobbler with a nice beard.  They were all gobbling this morning when I took the dogs out.
Coyote again
 No beard visible.

 Lost most of the winter coat - still a little scraggly.
 Last week tour.
 This week tour.
 I think she's cold.  It was sunny and in 50's.

We have a one year birthday party to attend in VA so it may be awhile before we're back to the farm.  Redbuds, dogwoods and turkey season should be underway when we return.

Some late additions from Joan on Sunday's tour.  Here's the first tree buds.
Trail clearing so that we can proceed on our tour. 
No I'm not really pole vaulting.

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