Sunday, November 8, 2015

Time for the Rut

Most of the trailcams are in a separate post.  Due to the birth of our fourth grandchild, it had been a few weeks since we were out to check on the cameras.  It was a pleasure to help welcome Elliott to the world. 
Dave and Grant joined me for the hunt.  Graham came along as an observer.  Grant is awfully accurate with his crossbow. We had high hopes due to perfect weather and lots of deer sign.
 They have been tearing up the trees.
 There are rubs all over including on some very large trunks.

 This is the kind of beast that causes the tree damage.  He's bulked up and itching for a fight. His neck is huge.
This is what we were hoping to encounter.
 I had this small doe come running out and looking backwards as if something was chasing her.
 And this is what it was - a small 4 point buck.  I also had a 6 point directly under stand one evening.  Grant had a chance at a spike buck but he didn't stay in range long enough for Grant to get the shot off.
 Poop of the week.  In my travels thru the woods I found this white stuff that looked like somebody spilled a quart of latex paint.  It was scattered all about in a 10' area under a large oak tree.  I don't know what it was from but it had to be a big bird.  I'm guessing an owl?
 Grant noticed this preying mantis on the window screen.
 Sunday morning sunrise - Grant chose to sleep in rather than hunt.
 Dave and I tried to get our guns sighted in for gun season - coming up in two weeks.
 My TC Encore once again would not break open.  This happened once before and it required shipment back to the factory.  If that has to happen again, it will miss the season again this year.  It has been less than reliable.  I am not happy.
For prime time during the rut, we didn't see that many deer.  I'm not sure where they were.
 We did clear a few trails with Graham and Grant running ahead to collect moss and other treasures.
 Main field stand view.  I had a 6 point walk directly under me here.
 View from the pond hi-rise.
 This is where Grant had a chance at a spike for his first deer.

 Orchard foodplot had an 8 point in it when I drove in Thursday evening.
The future prairie plot was seeded in some annual rye grass to hold soil for the winter.  It's up a little bit.
 Sorghum in the main field.  The deer have eaten the seed heads from the perimeter of the field.  They are starting to work their way in.
A possum/deer showdown in the apple orchard.

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