Sunday, July 12, 2020

Quarantine Buddies Back for a Couple Weeks

 Charlie and Lucy were with us for a few weeks earlier.  They're staying 2 1/2 weeks this trip.  Charlie did the zucchini harvest this week.
The pumpkin patch is looking pretty good in spite of the heat and lack of rain.
 The sunflowers are also quite happy.  Four or so feet tall.
 One bloom so far - next week should be pretty.
 Lots of Ranger rides.

 Grandma spotted this green frog beside Elliott's new trail.

 Someone feeling left behind on one of the recent hikes.
 We dipped a line each night.
 And everybody had some success.
 Lucy had the prizewinner bass.
 I was on a roll with breaking and losing things.
 I suspect that oil leak had something to do with the stick stuck in those fittings.  I also lost my knife and keys (found them a day later on the work bench) and had a flat on the big Ranger.
 The weather was nice enough for outdoor eating.
 Of course we had s'mores.

When we had a flat on the crew cab Ranger, we took the little Ranger out.  The kids call them the Family Ranger and the Hunting Ranger.

 Hams for the camera.
 We had several big hikes.
 We went down this "cliff" to get to the creek bottom. This video might help to give it perspective.  Down the Cliff
 And then we went up the creek inspecting the remaining pools for life.
 The kids found and nominated this for "Poop of the Week".
Kind of rough going in places.

Amy spotted something.

 We found some bones.
 Possum skull.
 Climbing back out.
 A fern fairy.
Having a snack and inspecting the treasures.
 Speaking of that flat tire, why don't we get the Family Ranger back in service...
 By stealing a tire from the Hunting Ranger.
 More Ranger rides.

The patrons seem pleased.

 More fishing.
Baby bass.
 A little bluegill.

 Another outdoor meal.  Civilized weather.
 Sunset while watching the field for bucks.
 And a little rainbow at sunrise.  Rain predicted all weekend and it never happened.
I had to resort to the sprinkler which I suspect is hugely inadequate.
For some reason, these kids enjoyed pulling the pigweed.
 Another creek-bottom hike.

 Amy spotted a newt!
 Green rocks are slippery - duh.

 The wineberries are just starting.  I hope that it isn't all over by next week.  The blackberries are in about the same state - just starting.  But even when they look ripe, they can be tart.  The wineberries are pretty reliable.
 Pigweed back flops.
 Amy's collages of her observations.

Fawn.  We flushed one while driving around too.
 Some nice bucks.
 My helper in the tractor.

 Mom has ticks all over her shoulder.

 On the prowl.

 Some potential in this guy.

 Siblings hiking last week.

And, look at the sign that someone put up at our main turnoff to the farm.  There was a bear hit by a car near here about a year ago.

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