Sunday, August 18, 2024

Catching Up On Chores

 After being gone for the month of July, I'm finally catching up a bit.

I mowed down the grass and bare sunflower stalks in the pumpkin patch.  I have one row of pumpkins this year.
I mowed this overgrown food plot that was mostly grass. It looks better now.
I sprayed this field with roundup last week and broadcast brassicas into it.  Some weeds look more affected than others from the spraying.
I broadcast brassicas into this bare plot last week.
Unfortunately, I have a bunch of pigweed up in it.  It's too soon for the brassicas - it just rained on Friday.
I rolled both plots with this cultipacker.
It did rain this week.
There was an inch in the gauge when we arrived and another 0.4" fell on Saturday.
Not much activity on the cameras this week.  This doe looks like she had an encounter with a lawn mower.
An owl about to pounce.
Not sure about this - also an owl?
Pears are dropping.
I see you.
Harried mother of twins.
Coyotes prowling.

Bobcat - hard to see.
Bearded Toms.
Maturing poults.

The parade.
The most common critter on camera this week.

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