Friday, December 6, 2024

Gun Week Part 1

The weather started out perfectly, then got cold, got very windy, got colder, but the deer have been here.  I have had one very quick look at a respectable buck but they have been otherwise scarce.  Does on the other hand have been abundant.

It's awfully early for ice on the pond.

Trailcam catching me on the way into a stand.
Trailcam catching field action when I head to the stand.
An example of the typical activity.
One morning the temps were in the high teens. I stayed in and the deer were everywhere in sight from the cabin.
I've been surrounded by does every afternoon.  Incidentally, a big oak in the background went over in 40mph wind gust one evening.
When this photo happened, I had a buck step out to face me out the other side of the stand.  He was face-on at 80 yards, I had the scope on him and I paused to see if he would turn.  He immediately boogied after a doe and out of sight.
This one particular doe was constantly staring up into my stand.  At last light, all the other does had moved on so I decided it was time to get some meat.  Same shot that I could have taken at the buck but 20 yards closer.
Field dressed 110 pounds.  Pretty typical for healthy does on this property.
I'm afraid I now have a muck bucket of guts frozen solid into a block.
Friday morning as I write this, it is 15F outside.  I stayed in and Creigh is out braving the weather.
Highlights from a couple weeks of trailcams.  This hawk has been hanging out on the mock scrape.
Not sure what this bird is.
I suspect that this is an owl.
I thought the lighting was artistic on this one.
Random doe activity.

And some bucks - young ones.



Definitely need to do more population control.
While we were in Florida for Thanksgiving, there was a snow here.

Looks  cold.
The coyotes as always.

Bobcat (not great shot).
Some turkeys.

We had a butterball for our feast.  I hope that you enjoyed yours.

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