Friday, March 23, 2018

Quick Stop

 I made a quick stop-by to pick up some possessions that didn't make it into the car last week (Joan's bag - duh).  I had just enough time to make a quick spin and change camera cards.
 Surprised to see the bobcat again.
 He hadn't showed up for awhile.
There are a couple of bucks still holding onto their antlers.

 Neither was a record book entry.

 Turkey mating season starting to wind up - gobblers on the prowl.
 There was some interesting weather in the last few days.
 We have more predicted for tomorrow - it's been moving around anywhere from 2" to 10".
 Some of these deer looked soaked and miserable.

 But the sun comes out and they dry.
 Did you see the comment from Steve on the last post?  He suspects that critters like this one may be responsible for the "Poop of the Week" last week.

No shortage of predators.

And there's always pictures of possums, rabbits, squirrels and occasionally skunks.
 There have been no minerals or food out at these sites for weeks but they still attract crowds.


And many domestics...

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