Sunday, April 12, 2020

Social Distancing Week 5 - Morels!!!

 It was much cooler this week but the redbuds have progressed.  They still have a way to go before peaking.
 46 degrees at 2 pm.
 This one says 41F.
 Redbud tunnel.
 The crabapple popped this week.
 A close up of the petals.
This was the same tree last week.  The buds were pink but the petals are white.
 Lots of touring as usual.

 While driving one of the trails, I spotted this.  We picked a few, had them with dinner and then returned to look harder the next morning.
 Charlie really had a good eye for finding them.
This is a new spot for me.  I've found gold and grey ones in the past on a different slope.
 We found lots of black ones this trip.
 We had a lot of fun finding them and picking them.
 The bucket on the left is Charlie's and the one on the right is mine.  We enlisted Joan and Lucy for a later hunting expedition.
 This is what we ended up with (after eating a few).
 Lots more touring.

Amy's collages from this week.

I actually took this shot in Mason.  We have a robin who returns each year to a holly tree right outside our kitchen door.
I'm continuing to turn a few plots for later planting.
 We've been mouse free for a few months but the cold weather seems to have caused a new invasion.
 Speaking of pests, this engorged tick was taken off of one of the dogs.
 A 1000 piece puzzle.
 Mostly done while Lucy was sleeping.
 Doing a little homework for virtual school.
Saturday sunrise.
Joan spotted a morel too.

 Last week the weather was nicer and Doug tried a trail run.
 I didn't even get my usual walk in this week.
 Last week walk.
 Warm last week - big change.

 Looking good.
Aggressive posture.
Pedicles - the start of antlers.

 Less coyote traffic, no bobcats.
A few turkeys.
But I haven't seen any strutting or heard any gobbles.

Happy Easter!

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