Sunday, April 5, 2020

Social Distancing Week 4 - Doug's Here and Charlie is Five

 Doug had two weeks of isolation after one of his assignments but he caught up with us this week.  Here he is flying his new drone.
 Toothless smile.
 Making the tour to all of the cameras.
Meanwhile, Amy is at work on zoom calls.
 The weather was perfect and we got in some nature walks.
 No challenge too steep.
No valley too deep.
I was looking under rocks for crayfish and Doug spotted this one in the open.
 Charlie found a treasure - a bullet (spent shotgun shell).
 We had to climb out of the creek bottom. Here's some of the action Girls Climbing
 The boys team.
 And the girls team.
More Ranger rides.
 Camera posing.
 Showing Grandma his treasure.
 Catching a few rays.
 And more Ranger rides.
 With his bone.
 Showing off one of the bones - there were many recovered.
 Silly faces.

 Pipa out for a walk.
 And, it's up.
 I did a few chores with the self-destructing disk.
 Checking out the possum that we found last week.
 Ready for the Baja race.

The Birthday Boy Drives
 Daddy rides.

 And back to the salamander pond.
 Checking out the tadpoles.

This is Boring
 Doug spotted what we believe to be an owl pellet.
 It was full of rodent bones including skulls.

 I need some of those cool sunglasses.

 That bucket is full of recovered bones from a fawn that expired under the pond house.
 We launched the family yacht.
 Shore patrol.
 Doug was equipped for magnet fishing.
The frogs were out in the sunshine.

Someone turned 5.

Birthday Boy

Stomp Rockets
 Farm life is exhausting.
 Two major jigsaw puzzles were mastered.
 More hikes.
We saw several piles of deer hair - they seem to be losing their winter coat.  But this black hair was from something else - skunk?
Crab-apple ready to pop.
 Amy's collages of observations.

 Investigating deer and rodent bones with Dr. Amy.
 A cut-throat game of "Who Pooped".  It's a memory game matching the poop to the animal.

Dog walking last week.

 The usual suspects this week.  This is an anterless buck.

 Say what?
You can see the coat coming out in tufts.

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