Sunday, March 29, 2020

Social Distancing - Week 3, Amphibian and Wildflower Edition

We lost one of our three dogs this week to liver failure - farewell to Zulu.  But this allowed the rest of us to pile into one vehicle.  The two kids are in the way back watching a movie.
 First course of business is always a Ranger ride.
We had great weather this weekend other than an overnight thunderstorm (that scared the dogs) and 30mph winds on Sunday.  But temps were mild and the sun was out.
 There are a few things blooming already.  Amy was using the Seek app to identify everything.
A closer look at those blooms.  Cherry we think (app said rose family).
Amy was pretty intent on getting even the smallest blooms.
We did harvest these daffodils - quite a variety.
Some of Amy's work.
 Meanwhile, Charlie, Lucy and I drove by the frog pond.  See the red circle.
 This is what was inside that circle.
 We saw lots of frogs - bullfrogs we think.  They were pretty big.
 And, we took some hikes and walked the dogs.
 Pipa led a pretty sheltered life but she seems at home in the woods.
 We did wear her out a bit.
One of our discoveries - a possum.  Do you think he was a coyote meal?  Pretty good size.
 More Ranger rides.

 I think this old pond used to water cattle.  It sometimes goes dry now.
 It looked like it had ice floating in it.
But on closer examination...
Egg sacks and tadpoles.

Eventually we saw some salamanders swimming around.

 Could have watched that for a long time (Amy actually did - we drove off and left her for awhile).
 More touring.
 Growing boy - eating his vegetables with a serving spoon.
Checking out a gobbler out in the field.
 It was dry enough to turn a few fields.  This is the pumpkin patch.
 We saw a few of these caterpillars including on the porch.  A short video. Caterpillar Squirming
Sunday morning hike.   We went down in the valley to get out of the winds.
Finding flowers.

 And we found a bone.  Coyote femur?
 Old man in the tree.
 More cool stuff.
 Grandpa decided it was a good idea to memorialize this walk.
From the coronavirus year.  I'll have to get Tommy and Elliott on a tree soon.
 One way to avoid the green-brier
 That bone is a treasure.
 A little grooming for Chloe.

 Wild pear tree (we think).
 The gobblers are suddenly visible.  We saw several live this weekend.

Coyote and fox still around.  Haven't seen the bobcat for a few weeks.

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