We had about 1" of snow but the sun was melting it pretty quickly. I checked the cameras and looked for shed antlers.
I also got a 2.5 mile walk in on Sunday morning - also looking for antlers.
I covered a good bit of terrain - some of it snow covered and some not.
This photo shows pretty well the effect of the sun. The north facing slope remained snow covered and the south facing was clear.
There's not much green in the woods right now - this moss is about it.
Some interesting rock formations or fallen trees.
I was surprised by the number of grape vines on this white oak. I may have to do battle with these vines at some point.
Taking a rest. My day pack full of ammo is kind of heavy.
Poop of the week - a doe pile. Fairly fresh.
Here's a buck bomb - not quite as fresh. The orange is (I think) some sort of fungi/mushroom emerging.
And finally, I spotted this one.
Pretty nice 5 point right antler. It was in the open in a big oak area of the woods. Sort of on a bench.
It's about a 20" main beam. Not too shabby.
1.5" base.
It definitely looked familiar.
I'm positive that it came from this guy.
I watched him all season.
Last week I did some mowing including 1/3 of the prairie plot. In lieu of burning, I mow to keep trees and shrubs from invading.
It was decent weather both weekends.
There are fewer bucks left on camera with antlers and some of them only have one.
Close examination will show some pedicles where the antlers fell off.
One side.
Saturday evening I went to the pond stand with the 223. I was hoping to get a poke at a coyote but I ended up watching 5 does instead.
I filled the bird feeders on Saturday afternoon and by Sunday morning, they were empty. I'm sure that the deer were up cleaning them out overnight,
The usual white flags going up.
This sequence caught my eye - another doe in background.
Last week tour.
Clock never right on this camera. Defaults to 2015,
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