I've been avoiding this latest release of the Blogger app - but they finally forced it on me. It doesn't behave for me. I have just selected and uploaded the photos - just as I always do - and it loaded them in reverse order. It also put the images in in huge format and I must change them one by one. And it's giving me fits trying to get the text beside the photos. Bear with me - I may eventually figure it out.
Will this do it? At least I got rid of the underline - but why can't I get text beside the photo? I give up.

I'm not sure what this bird is - just thought it was neat.

I think this blur is an owl hunting.

Look at the eyes on this coyote.

They are always on the prowl.

And they would love to get hold of these fawns.

A nice collection of bucks showing up.

I think we shall call this one "Split" for the fork in the G2.
Ten point I think.
This one has some twisted tines.

Bachelor groups.

More shots of Split.

When we arrived at the farm, the barn was smelling quite ripe. After a bunch of detective work, we found this bunny under a pile of stuff. I have to assume it just hopped in when the door was open and got stuck.

This is the soybean field that I over-seeded with brassica. There's lots of little sprouts - I hope that it's what I planted and not weeds.

Almost an inch of rain this week. Weird year - blazing hot June/July and a cool wet August (so far). It seems to be working as a growing season.

Just a deer bed that I found while mowing. There were four right here next to the barn field clover.

I tried to put in the "roundabout" at the end of the Tommy Trail. It's a little better.

I did a less than perfect seed bed preparation and then went ahead and planted turnips.

My attempt to fight the weeds in the pumpkin patch was frustrated when I broke the drive belt on the tiller.

Major blow down/over in the sunflowers.

I couldn't even find all my zucchini plants but I managed to harvest these. They go from one inch to one foot in a week.

If you look closely you will see the wooden stakes that are supposed to be marking my rows. The area between these stakes is my unplanted center access. The pumpkins have gone wild this year.

Left of that center aisle - no hint of the rows. It's a solid mass of vines and weeds. Lets hope the rest of the growing season goes this well.
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