Sunday, September 13, 2020

A Wedding, Pumpkins, and the Bobcat Returns

This is my nephew Tom and his bride Ginna.  They had a wedding planned in April but the virus interfered.  So this weekend they went ahead and tied the knot and we all participated via Zoom.  Joan and I attended from the farm in our party clothes.  Congrats to Tom and Ginna!
So when the festivities ended, Joan and I headed out for the camera tour.
I wonder if this is when I picked up the chiggers.
Anyway, it was fun to be part of the celebration.
I started into harvest of some of the pumpkins and gourds.  Many are still going strong but some are starting to mature.
These butternut squash don't look quite ready yet - the vines are still green.
But I chose some stuff for early harvest.
There is a ton still out there in the field.  With my Wyoming hunt coming up, some of it may just have to wait.
It's always a tightrope - will they continue to develop or will the start to rot.
Joan has a ladies luncheon for the end of golf season.  I usually supply the table decorations.  Lots to choose from this year.
Violet enjoys chewing the stems.
You have to be really quick to catch a shot like this.  She doesn't stay still for long.
Some of the fall flowers are starting to show up - asters.
I don't really appreciate these thistles but their blooms are pretty.
I managed to sneak in another "saddle hardening" ride in preparation for the Wyoming hunt.  It's only a couple of weeks away.
Last weekend trailcams when the Chicago grandsons where in towns.
Off on a hike.
Lots of Ranger rides.
Even Violet got to come on some of the rides.

And a bobcat made an appearance this week.
They come and they go.
Here's the buck that I called Split.  He's got a split G2 on the left side.  He's lost his velvet.
He looked more massive with the velvet still on - this was early August.
He's still a nice looking buck for sure.
And this is a nice ten.
This guy losing his velvet.

Still fawns around.
Some crowds about.
And always the coyotes.

And a few turkeys.  Since the coyotes and bobcats have taken over, I no longer see fox (used to have both red and gray).

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