Sunday, June 26, 2022

Sweating in the Pumpkin Patch

There hasn't been any rain in awhile.  I spent the whole weekend in the pumpkin patch weeding, watering, and planting the last few rows of gourds.

I got the tilling done between rows and I hand hoed a few rows for weeds between the plants.  And I have the blisters to show for it. But there's so much more to do.

I have sort of a natural trench beside each row and just enough slope for water to run the whole row length.  So I just stick a hose in the trench and let it run.  Hillbilly irrigation.
Some rain forecast for this evening.  The forecast has been bouncing all over from 0.1 inch to 0.7 inch.  I'm hoping for the latter for my newly planted seeds.  I have some gaps in my rows but where there are plants, they look pretty good.

This is one of the more recently planted rows - just barely us out of the ground.

The last two storms did in this pear tree.  One half had survived but the latest storm finished the job.  I cut it up and dragged it to the burn pit.  Not sure when I'll burn it.
Joan was a big help this weekend with the mowing.  She was out on the zero turn and on the tractor.  Here's a video of her in action.  Joan Mowing
We had a beautiful sunset on Saturday evening.
The wineberries still have a ways to go.  I don't think that they'll be ripe for the 4th of July.
Butterfly milkweed is starting to bloom everywhere.
Common milkweed also coming out - this is in the prairie plot.
The driveway stand field was planted in roundup-ready soybeans.  This was intentional because the weeds have been bad in that field.  It was a carpet of green when I sprayed it two weeks ago.  Now only the soybeans surviving and the deer barely give it a chance to grow before hammering it.
Barn field clover is great.
The main field powerplant appears to be all grass.  I really don't have much luck with summer annuals.
Same with the sunflower field.  Seems to be more grass than sunflowers.
Here's a swooping bird quiz.  This is number one.
Number two.
Number 3.
I'm pretty sure number two is a pileated woodpecker like this.  What are the others?
I think this is a hen with poults.  Only two?
The does and fawns are showing up frequently.
It's good to see twins - sign of healthy habitat.

A late bred doe?  She looks about due.
Some other chore activity.
Covid masks are handy for spraying too.  Probably not necessary but better safe...
And our friendly bobcat.  Wonder how many poults and fawns he's had.
Our resident gray fox.

Coyotes always looking for an easy meal too.
Wish they'd get this groundhog. I saw him in my pumpkin patch yesterday.
The turkeys are doing some late strutting.

And the bucks in velvet are coming along nicely.

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