Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Eric Visit for Tune Up

About 6 weeks until Africa.  Eric made a quick visit to be sure his 308 was dialed in for the trip.  Ahead of his visit, I cleaned it and it shot a much better 5 shot group for me.

He got it shooting decent groups from 100 yards, 200 yards and off sticks.
We also shot the 375 H&H using both loads and scopes.
The previously disked plots had a nice blush of weeds.
I waited for things to dry to disk them again.
But I didn't quite wait long enough (clogged disk).  Anyway, I eventually got them turned.
Joan made us a strawberry rhubarb pie.
Our almost-dead cherry tree is producing fruit early this year.
The apple trees are in sad shape.  They never really recovered from a pretty severe pruning job.
I sprayed this frost-seeded plot.  There's clover out there but also a lot of weeds.
In my previously sprayed clover plots, the thistle is stunted but not dead.
I encountered a couple of box turtles out in the fields this week.
I keep meaning to roundup the poison ivy that keeps showing up on a couple of my camera trees.  Maybe next time.
We've been getting a variety at the bird feeders including this hen turkey.
I also found this evidence of other visitors.
Our guard dogs are on alert.
The wineberries are still weeks away from ripe.
Here's a look at a few obviously pregnant does.

And a buck starting on new antlers.
A pileated woodpecker visit.
A hard to see bobcat.

And a fox.
The Tom turkeys are still looking for love.

On the prowl.

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