Monday, June 3, 2024

Fawns Have Arrived! Food Plot Work

I usually don't expect to see fawns until June.  My nephew Dave has been seeing them for a while already in Michigan.  A few have arrived in the last days of May this year.

This is what the Momma's have been looking like.

Two of the food plots have been disked a couple times this year already.
This weekend, I went about planting them in sunflowers.  First I disked,
Then I broadcast seeds.
Then I dragged with this chain.
Then I packed with this cultipacker.
On the one field, I top seeded with clover/chicory and culti-packed again.
This is the final product.  In a few weeks we'll see if the predominant plants are what I planted or if it is weeds.
I didn't buy any pumpkin or gourd seeds this year since I will be in Africa for several weeks.  But I had some leftover seeds so I planted one row in the pumpkin patch.  I think that I will throw sunflower seeds in the rest of it.
Some of my cameras have been on their last legs.  I got a few new ones and filled my pack with cameras and batteries.  I took a walk and checked the condition and the clock of every camera. I replaced a few of them.  I don't know how the calendar/clock got so far off on some of them.
During the walk I ran into this critter.
And found more downed trees on the trails.
The frog pond is in its glory.
Poop of the week.  This looked like an awfully large pile for a coyote.  Whoever left it had a diet rich in animal fur.
This was left on the stairs to one of my stands.  There's fur and bone fragments.  Part of it looks like an owl pellet.
Antlers are now in their extreme growth mode.  I want to be sure they have all the minerals that they need.
I put a camera on this pond edge thinking I would catch critters coming in for a drink.  Nada so far.
This camera had a ton of fox activity.  I'm guessing that the den is nearby.
And they appear to be quite successful hunters.

I think I see a possum tail.
Who can identify this wing?
This is a good trick.
At this time of year, the need for mowing never stops.
Joan out and about a couple weeks ago,

Eric had been in town to shoot a bit.
Lots of turkeys.

Look closely for the poults.
Some antlers.

Deer and turkey.
Coyotes - like foxes, it is a time of bounty for them.

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