Monday, June 24, 2024

Heat Dome Week

 Temperatures were in the 90's all week with no rain.  I expected things to be browner than they were.

Although the ground looked parched, the sunflowers in the pumpkin patch looked ok.  They were protected inside the tape.  The one row of pumpkins also looked decent.
I went ahead and trench watered the pumpkins.  And I tilled around the row.
And then a couple of heavy showers rolled thru.  We got 0.4" twice - 0.8" total.
Van worked on the shooting house.  He added a window for a cross breeze in there.  And I did some practicing off sticks from 130 yards.
Inside, he added a sitting bench to the work bench.  Rifle rack still to come.
Meanwhile, Bubba is showing signs of wear from this practicing.
I walked the camera tour.
Mushrooms caught my eye this week.
Several varieties.

I have two survivor trees from my attempts to plant new orchards.  This one produced 3 peaches.
And this one has a number of MacIntosh apples.  Neither tree is looking very hearty.
The terrain for butterflies is flourishing - two types of milkweed.  Not many butterflies yet.
The food plots planted in sunflowers look terrible.  This one in the main field looks to be taken over mainly by grass.
This one by the pond is mainly by annual weeds (pigweed, galinsoga, ragweed).
What sunflowers remain have been browsed.  The tape at the pumpkin patch is doing its job.  I've been reading articles from the NDA that says that these annual weeds are nutritious for the deer.  It's a good thing.  That's about all that will be left in these two plots.
Regular visitors to the feeders - a cardinal pair.
Lots of interaction this week.  Skunk - deer.
This coyote is spotted by the doe in the background.
And she's not having it.
These does cleared out for some reason.
And here's the reason.
There are a lot of little tasty morsels around for the coyotes.

My fishing competition.
Having a drink during the heat dome.
A few turkeys still around.

And some of the regulars.
Bucks putting on inches of antler now.
And mowing last week.

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