Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Father's Day!

Joan had a golf event on Saturday do the dogs and I ran out to the farm on our own.  We got quite a bit done. This photo is from a week ago but I did a lot of brush-hogging again this week.

We've had no rain in the last 10 days.  The newly planted sunflower plots are dry.
And there's a lot that has germinated in addition to the sunflowers.
The sunflowers look ok but we have a week of dry 95F weather forecast.
I did some ditch irrigating of my one row of pumpkins.
At least they had a good drink before getting baked this week.
My assistants.
Still too early for the wineberries.
There are some blackberries ready but they are sour.
No sign of monarchs yet but other butterflies are about.
Swallowtail on butterfly milkweed.
Lots of common milkweeds also available.
The pond is different this year.  It's running lower even though I put the aerator on a 12 hour timer.
For the first time, We have these weeds clogging things up.
And for the first time in 15 years, we have turtles.  I sat on the dock and watched 4 of them suspended around me.  I think that they are generally not a good thing in a pond due to burrowing in the dam.
This camera finally caught some customers coming into the pond for a drink.

I did a little shooting and this is the grouping that I'm getting with Eric's gun.  That's a lot of horizontal wandering.  I shot 3 shot or 4 shot groups while letting the gun cool in between.
And I practiced off sticks and off-hand with the 375. Bubba's getting a bit beat up.
The clover is ideal at the moment - this is the barn field.
Orchard field.
Main field.
Driveway field (frost seeded this year).
Pond field.
The fawn parade continues.

Twins - always a good sign of habitat adequacy.
Twins again.

Look closely at this one - doe and coyote in the same frame.
Coyotes as usual.

And the foxes.

The bucks are in growth mode.
Crowds in the clover.
This bench at the end of the table was for the grandkids.  Daisy has taken over.

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