Sunday, June 9, 2024

More Fawns, More Planting

Beautiful weather this weekend - high in the 70's and low in the 50s.  We're back into the mouse wars in the cabin - and we've got an odor like one has died somewhere.  The joys of country living.

I planted the one strip of pumpkins last week and many of them are up. In the rest of the plot, I planted sunflowers.  And I got the deer tape up around the plot.

The sunflowers planted last week are largely up in both fields.
An inch of rain this week helped.
There are a lot of small things started in the field where I also planted cover and chicory.  Hopefully that's what it is and not an onslaught of weeds.
There has been traffic thru the plot.  This was a big deer print.
Elsewhere I found these tiny little deer prints.
A fresh poop of the week.  It is a healthy size for the coyotes but it is full of hair etc.
Van started on some enhancements in the shooting shed.
He also started to clear trees and brush from the pond dam.
I have been getting tons of false triggers on this pond camera - thousands per week.  I thought it might be brush blowing in the wind so I weed-wacked.  It might also be ripples in the pond.
In the middle of all those false triggers I found this.
The blue heron has been a regular.
I think he's a fish poacher.
I see you.
I shot both Eric's and my gun.  Eric's still had 2 moa in the scope so it was shooting a bit high.  Grouping ok though.  I shot the 375H&H off sticks and did ok,  I'm out of practice ammo for my light load - 250 grain CX. I haven't been able to find anymore to buy.  I have lots of 300 grain (the buffalo load).  I already have the trip ammo put aside.
I gave them both a good cleaning.
I'm trying out a smaller/lighter day pack.  Seems ok.
Here's some of the fawns.

But there are still some very pregnant does.

Fisticuffs over the minerals.
Check out the ticks on this doe - all over her side.
And behind the ears here.  I don't know how the deer put up with it.
The usual predators.

Turkey poults.  A hen busted out of the brush at 20' from me when I was checking cameras.  I thought that she must have been on a nest but I never found it.

In spite of repeated spraying, I'm still battling thistle.

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