Monday, September 16, 2024

No Rain Again, Cynthia and Steve Visit

Joan's sister Cynthia came for a visit this weekend.  Cynthia and Steve live in Washington (the state) and haven't been to the farm in some time.  Sisters.

We did some touring.
Which led to some chores.
We also shot the crossbow - two weeks until the archery opener.
It'll do.
We also did some shooting at the 100 yard shooting house from the bench...
And also off of sticks.
We decided to have dinner in the gazebo - food delivery service.
It was a nice evening out there.
It's surprising but there is some evidence of the things that I planted coming up.
In spite of just 0.2" of rain in the last 5 weeks.
Lots of candidates for "poops of the week".
Including inside my hunting stands.
And outside them.
More touring.

And more shooting - this time from 200 yards.
Not many bucks on camera this week.  This one is out of velvet.
This young dumbo still in it.
Coyotes and everybody else enjoying pears dropping off this tree.
And also over here.

Normal doe activity.

Including late night drinks.

And sleepovers.

Lots of acorns also stimulating activity.
We need rain and there is almost none in the 10 day forecast.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Weather Break, Sewer Fix, Harvest a Bit

The low this morning (Sunday) was 40F.  The high was 72F - gorgeous.  But only 1/4" of rain in the gauge and things are quite dry.

I got out in the plot and found a few ripe pumpkins that hadn't been nibbled by deer.

And, I found two zucchini under all of those weeds.
There are a ton of butternut squash - some of them nibbled.
And a couple were split open like they outgrew their skin.
I haven't seen this before.
The vines are still green so I left them out.  This is taking a risk the way the deer have been ignoring the plot tape.
The brassica that I planted in the bare field looks decent.
It could definitely use more rain but it looks ready to pop when it gets some.
Some clover, in the sunny spots, is burnt out.
In the shady spots, it still looks good.  With some rain, it will all be fine.
I dipped a line or two in the extremely low pond.  No luck with the grasshopper on the flyrod. 
But with a little grub on a spinner, I caught a few small bass.
The mudflats from the receding pond are full of tracks.  Mostly deer but also some turkey or herons.
I started the excavation on the problem sewer line to the septic tank.  It's been plugging up and the last time we had it snaked by the plumber, we had him run a camera up it.  He showed a broken coupling right about at the barn edge.  Van and Mike were coming put to work on it so I started digging to get a head start.  I was shocked how shallow the line was.  Of course, there is electrical and propane right beside it.
Eventually, Van found the broken Tee coupling were the washing machine ties in up under the slab.  With a little hillbilly ingenuity, he got it repaired.
A toad visited during the repair work.
I had a nice walk for the camera tour in the morning.  43F here.
I bumped does out of the driveway field.
The persimmons are ripe.
Violet and Daisy had a frolic.
Daisy liked the pears too.
Interest in this rubbing vine.
But also some hostility.
I wonder why.
Does eating pears.
Junior bucks.
And young adults
No sign of velvet shedding yet.


And a few chores.