Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Labor Day - Velvet Shedding is Next

The weather has been dry but it broke and is cooling off.  My rain gauge had fallen over so I couldn't tell much.  Everything looks quite dry but I did have this. It must have rained to some degree.

The field that I sprayed and overseeded doesn't look too great.
There's a little bit of evidence of germination.
The bare field looks a little better but could definitely use some rain.  
I'm not sure how much is brassica and how much is weeds.
The pond is really low.
I encountered these two on my walk.
The neighbor cut down a large white oak that was just on his side of the property line.  It was a big acorn producer.
Nice sunrise this morning.
I'm not sure who or what did this.  Seems like its been pecked.  There wasn't any clear evidence in the photos.
Chores during last visit.
Multiple machines.
This week's walk.

Is that a crow?  I caught a glimpse of a large raptor today but wasn't able to identify it.
The fawn seems confused.
Notice my vehicle on the driveway.  Clover going brown.

Tasty pears.
Getting ready to shed?

Visiting geese.

Coyote with a white tail tip.
And the pond - popular spot when dry.

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