Monday, September 16, 2024

No Rain Again, Cynthia and Steve Visit

Joan's sister Cynthia came for a visit this weekend.  Cynthia and Steve live in Washington (the state) and haven't been to the farm in some time.  Sisters.

We did some touring.
Which led to some chores.
We also shot the crossbow - two weeks until the archery opener.
It'll do.
We also did some shooting at the 100 yard shooting house from the bench...
And also off of sticks.
We decided to have dinner in the gazebo - food delivery service.
It was a nice evening out there.
It's surprising but there is some evidence of the things that I planted coming up.
In spite of just 0.2" of rain in the last 5 weeks.
Lots of candidates for "poops of the week".
Including inside my hunting stands.
And outside them.
More touring.

And more shooting - this time from 200 yards.
Not many bucks on camera this week.  This one is out of velvet.
This young dumbo still in it.
Coyotes and everybody else enjoying pears dropping off this tree.
And also over here.

Normal doe activity.

Including late night drinks.

And sleepovers.

Lots of acorns also stimulating activity.
We need rain and there is almost none in the 10 day forecast.

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