Sunday, September 11, 2011

Perimeter Security Breached - Terrorist Attack!

Although the date is 9/11, it's not Al Qaeda this time - it's the deer.

While we were gone for two weeks, there were several severe storms.  Apparently the wind broke the plotsaver tape that I had up protecting the garden.

It was down in several areas and the deer took advantage.

Their hoofprints were everywhere.

As was the evidence of the dinner party that they had.

They decimated the corn.

Every ear was completely stripped.

To add insult to injury, they bedded down on top of the corn stalks.

Not a single ear of corn left untouched.

They also ate all the leaves off of the bean plants but they didn't eat all of the beans.

I'm really surprised how many pumpkins have been nibbled.  Every year there are always a few but this year there are more.

Doesn't matter whether green or orange, they tried them all.

This is the "prizewinner pumpkin" that I'm growing from Grant's seeds.  It was really slow starting but it seems to be going now.

The watermelons are from seeds given to me by Graham.  They seem to be doing ok.  The cantalopes completely disappeared - not sure who got them - deer? raccoons? 

The good news is that there are still hundreds of untouched pumpkins.  I think some of them will be ready for harvest next week. 

The beer can is simply for size reference.  I just happened to have one with me at the time.

I went back and looked at my seeds to see what worked and what didn't.  I never got any carrots or bell peppers (lost to weeds...).  The cantalopes were looking pretty good but, once again, I lost them right at the end.  The cucumbers grew but were never very good.  We had lots of beans and zucchini and they were both good.  I'm still hopeful on the watermelon.  And the deer truly enjoyed the corn.  I think that I will have more pumpkins than I know what to do with.

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