Joan bought these two desk chairs on an online auction for $36 total - it will be more comfortable in stand next year.

View from the hi-rise. I was burning some cardboard in the pit.

The brassica is still hanging in there.

The clover below the hi-rise.

The driveway stand is eroding with all this heavy rain. The clover that I planted didn't really get started before the frost hit.

Main field clover.

I made venison jerky on Sunday morning while it was raining. I use ground meat and the "jerky blaster" gun.

I like the jerky this way better - it's not quite as tough as strips.

The strips go into the dehydrator for about 4 hours.

Four levels use up about 4 pounds of meat.

While the jerky cooked, I went for a walk. I found the prizewinner pumpkin deflated. The rain paused for the whole walk and I probably covered 3 or so miles.

I took the 223 in case I ran into a coyote or fox. I stopped at the range to see if it was still sighted in. Not bad from 100 yards - I was actually aiming under it because I thought I left set up 2" high. The Heineken is about 8 years old - a good target.

I relocated a couple of the cameras to just watch the trails. I walked down to the ridge stand and then went down over the cliff to the left.

It's really very steep - picture doesn't do it justice.

I crossed the creek at the bottom.

This beech tree is on the back property line. The paint slashes need refreshed.

It's like they're taunting me - there's buck rubs everywhere that I look.

After all of the rain, the creeks were running full. It was slippery crossing them.

This camera now looks back toward the valley stand.

I got in the valley stand to close it up for the season. My foot almost went thru the floor - appears to be rotten.

From the atv trail looking back at the hi-rise.

Earlier camera checks.

This spot is where the deer parade was last week. Three does and two bucks all came out this trail below the driveway stand. I walked their path.

A random rotting beech tree seen on the walk.

New camera locations tested with a Ranger drive-by.
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