Sunday, August 25, 2013

Waiting for a Call from Eric and Jeni

Grandchild #2 is due any time now.  We're on standby ready to leave for Chicago.

On Saturday mornning I got up and had this view out the dining room window Four bucks were munchng on the sunflower remnants from the field that I mowed down last week.
I think this is the same bachelor group under the apple trees.
I have an elk hunt in New Mexico in a month.  I've been walking in a park in Lexington but I decided a little trail hiking was warranted.  I strapped on my backpack and headed out.
I went down past the valley stand and out to the farthest loop trail.  I stopped near the far corner property line and checked my fitbit.  It said that I had covered 1.2 miles on the way out.
This is when I returned to the barn. 2.69 miles, 6140 steps and the equivalent of 52 flights of stairs.  I normally do 5 miles on a level paved hiking trail in Lexington.  This was a better workout even though only 1/2 as far.  I need to do alot more to prepare for mountainsides at 9,000 feet while carrying a pack/gun.
There are some funky looking mushrooms in the middle of the trails.
I'm guessing it's because of all the rain we had.
This is a persimmon tree.  There is a lot of fruit - not quite ripe yet. The deer like these.
The small apple trees are MacIntosh.  I planted them about 5 years ago.  This is Joan's favorite type of apple and we finally had enough to harvest this year.
The big old trees aren't quite ripe yet but these were ready.
It seems that I may have offended someone tracking dirt and grass into the cabin.
I did shoot the 30-06.  These groups are from bags at 100 yards.  I was tweaking around with the scope trying to get it 2" high which will be right on at 200 yards.
I shot this group from 160 yards off of shooting sticks (seated).  There was some shade there - that's why I chose this distance.  Not great.
The turnip field is looking good.
I think that the deer will like this stuff.

I tried overseeding the soybeans with brassica - something I just read about.  We'll see how that works out.
Probably the last zucchinis.
It's not a banana - some sort of squash that I found out under the weeds.
There are some pumpkins that are already ripe and look pretty good.
And the gourds/squash.
Many of the vines are starting to die back.
There had been some deer action in the plot - nibbled pumpkins.  I sprayed the tape again.
The weeds are horrendous but I just gave up.
I hate to let these weeds go to seed.
I did a little trail maintenance.
Van was out this week with another one of his helpers - Dave.
Not sure when we'll be back next - wishing Eric and Jeni the best.

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