Tried my best to protect the high-rise this year but still had a bunch of bird poop to deal with.
Driveway stand and barn stand both had wasps, mice and tons of sawdust. I couldn't see bore holes or anything to explain the sawdust.
Mouse poop and sawdust.
The new high-rise with desk chair.
A licking branch and scrape in the foreground at the driveway stand. A desk chair in the background on it's way up to the stand.
The same scrape the next morning with a fresh buck turd in it.
Poop of the week - fresh coyote poop in the driveway. I don't know what nut or fruit it is they were eating but it didn't digest well. Joan and I spotted a coyote beside the driveway on our drive out this afternoon.
In front of the barn stand are the remnants of a turkey. My guess is that a coyote got hold of one here.
A rub on a large pine - same spot had been rubbed in previous years.
The clover looks good right now and has been grazed hard. There are no acorns - not white oak or red oak or chestnut oak. None. I've heard from some others in central OH that they have no acorns this year either. Could be a tough winter for the deer.
I spent a couple hours in the driveway stand Saturday night. I pushed three does out of the field getting into the stand at 4:00. This little doe came out by herself.
I had a parade of 11 does and one spike buck wander out before dark. Most of them eventually seemed to scent me.
Joan made a home made (from scratch) apple spice cake. It was a winner.
Sunrise Sunday morning. I busted about 6 does out of the soybeans getting into my blind. All I did was push deer this weekend.
Lots of coyotes around
Also grey fox. Sometimes I see red fox, sometimes grey fox.
Daylight. Shooter stepping out by barn stand.
AM and PM messed up on this camera.
But daylight buck movement.
Daylight coming to High-rise stand.
There are still apples dropping.
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