Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Grandkids at the Farm!

We had a crowd of family in to Mason for the 4th of July weekend.  We also celebrated (early) for my birthday with an African themed party.  Then, we headed out to the farm for a day where I tried to sneak in some farm chores while not being completely anti-social.
Tommy had his own tent and Jeni thought to bring a bubble machine.
Bubbles were a hit with Lucy too. 
It was nice enough for meals on the porch. 
 Both seemed happy there.
Of course, Grandma would never be caught without toys. 
Eric and Tommy.
Eric, Tommy Lucy, Amy and Joan at the pond dock. 

Off for a walk in the woods. 
Something in the trail. 
We moved the box turtle off the trail.  We already have a 3 legged turtle names Penelope at home. 
Lucy tried out both tractors.
Tommy did too but I don't have his photos. 
Camera run Sunday evening.  We also looked for red raspberries - too late.  The blackberries are ripening now but are pretty tart. 
There was an invasion of the millipedes.  Van says there were millions of them a week ago. 
This piece of pasta was recovered from under a pillow in a made bed.  The mice had been there.  We have probably captured 15 mice in the last month and there's still more about. 
Eric found this bird remnant.  I'm not sure what it was or who got it.  Owl? Coyote? 
Several rows of the pumpkin patch look ok.  Some things that I planted appear to have not come up at all. 
Some of the zucchini made it. 
There may be something up under these weeds. 
Van lent me his huge rototiller which does a great job between the rows.  This is before. 
This is after.  I spent a couple hours getting it in this shape.  In the rows is still full of weeds. 
Sunflowers looking good. 
Spraying the plots the last time I was out.  The soybeans need roundup - maybe next week. 
The fertilizer finally got spread this week on the food plots. 
Poor camera aim but first fawn to show up on camera. 
 This guy looks good at least on one side.  Could this be the mutant of a couple years ago?
Prime antler growing time.
Big coyote - deer on alert. 
Artistic photo. 


The kamikaze bird.
I got the camera cards all mixed up.  Think that I have it straight now.  I got the main field plowed but somehow lost the John Deere gas cap.  It's always something.

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