Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Twins Are Back In Town!

My nephew Dave and his family lived near us in Mason until a year or so ago when the moved to Indiana.  Dave is in the process of relocating (again) back to Ohio due to a corporate transfer. His new job is about one hour from the farm. So Dawn, Graham and Grant are in town while they house hunt (& stay in their temporary accommodations during relo). They stopped by at the farm this weekend for a visit.
 We did the camera tour shortly after they arrived.
 We used to wedge those little boys between us so they wouldn't fall out.  Now they buckle in and ride in their own seat.
 We had a very competitive game of giant Jenga.
 Two hands?
 Still finding mice evidence - luckily not in any of the beds (this week).
 It was a big weeks for moths.
 We saw several varieties.
 All of them pretty large.
 Not sure why we are having so many moths this year.  Lots of millipedes too.
 We toured some of the trails and there were a few chores clearing them.
 Great to have help.

 We saw some really interesting spider's webs in process across the trails.
They were very busy constructing these things.
This is Candy, an addition made to the family while in Indiana.
 Some of the pumpkins are looking really good.
 Also some of the zucchini.
 First harvest of the season.
Something had been in the garden eating pumpkin buds.  Rabbits?  No deer prints.
 An hour to weed one row on hands and knees.
 Sunflowers are looking good.
 This field has more weeds.  Also, I didn't put the deer exclusion tape up on this one so it's being nibbled.
 Not a lot of good bucks on camera this week.  Traffic was generally slow.
 Only one coyote and no fox.
A few smaller bucks.
 Already picking and eating apples - they're not ripe yet dummy!
The protein block disappeared.
I saw this guy live on Saturday.

 Finally got this camera aimed right.
 Only a raccoon in this mineral site this week.
Spraying last week.
 Looking for cards that I dropped.
I got the plots disked.  Maybe I'll plant the fall plots in a week or two.

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