Sunday, January 29, 2017

Winter Buck Survey - Corn Assisted

 New camera added to fleet.  At least three of current ones on last legs.
 Not the outcome that I was hoping for with the Steelers but it won't prevent me from having a beer in their honor.
 Winter snuggles at the farm.
 I did some frost seeding in the prairie plot to fill in the barespots from the original planting.
Used all grass in this attempt.
 It's that time of year again.  I feel like Bill Murray with the gophers.  Two mice this week.
 A few little snow showers while I was out and about on Sunday.
 Took a walk looking for sheds - didn't find any.  But, there were two candidates for "poop of the week".  Typical doe poop.
 Not sure if this was a buck.
 Last week, I put out a little cracked corn.  It had the intended result and there were hundreds of photos on the cameras.
This was the only coyote shot.  I cleaned out the fridge and put two old apples out with the corn.
 I'm not sure who got the first one but this possum is the bandit on the second one.
 There were coons around.
 Many buck photos - some have already dropped.
 This guy showed up on just about every camera on the property.
 I have pictures of him with one antler since at least the 19th.
I've read that they typically drop both antlers within 24 hours.  Often within minutes of each other.

I'm not sure why this guy is taking so long.
 He was a nice, wide, typical 10 point this year.

I wouldn't mind finding his sheds.
 Not a lot of turkey activity.
 A few of them visited some of the corn sites.

This is mutant Jr.  He's been showing up at a neighbor's too.
 Many different bucks for next year.

 This buck has dropped antlers already.

 Corn nose.
Fresh drop.
 Lots of does.

Where were they all during the season?

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