Monday, January 29, 2018

Ohio Considering Changes on Deer Hunting

I recently saw a post on Facebook about a process that ODNR is using to consider some changes in the deer management regime.  Here's their link about it.
ODNR Info on Process for Deer Management

This presentation talks about some of the management issues and some of the potential changes to the system.  It's a little bit hard to read but it explains the issues around establishing deer management units, setting bag limits, potential abuses of landowner tags, etc. It does give you an idea of the thankless task these managers have (hunters want big populations, farmers and auto insurers want small populations, everybody wants a better public land hunting experience but nobody wants any restrictions, etc).
Presentation On Potential Changes

This is a summary of the opinions on this subject from the participants in this workshop.
Summary of Workshop Opinions

I rarely see any mention of the length of gun season.  To me, having only one week to hunt deer with a gun is major disadvantage of this state.  I'm not sure why all gun hunting has to go on the whole state only during one 7 day period.  If you are controlling the population with bag limits, why do you also have to limit the availability of hunting with a gun to just those few days per year?  In vastly reduces the potential participation and makes people crazy for one week.  Hard to be committed to a sport that only lets you do it 7 days a year.  All it takes is a weather event, a work event, a wedding, a childbirth or a funeral, and you miss a year's deer hunting. Keep the bag limits low and increase the time in the field - that's my vote.

In the meantime, I'll archery hunt, rifle hunt in Kentucky or go west - because I enjoy the time in the field.  But if anyone has an objective to improve hunter recruitment, having more than 7 days per year available to do it in would be a great first step.

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