Sunday, October 21, 2018

First Freeze - It's Fall

That was the end of the pumpkin vines.
 We had a frost on Friday night and a pretty good freeze on Saturday night.
 These are the "volunteer" pumpkins in the pond field.  They're never going to get orange and somebody has been nibbling them anyway.
 I sent a dozen rounds downrange for elk hunt prep.  200 yards sitting off sticks.  I was pinging the 8" plate pretty good in spite of a 10 mph cross wind.  I did catch a chain eventually though.
 So I was in Cabelas and found a release on sale.  When did releases get so expensive?  50% off was still $45.00.  And, of course, as soon as I bought it I found the one that I had lost.
 They are rubbing away out there.
 I put a new protein block out.
 We had a few shots from last week on the cameras.

 I loaded up my daypack with ballast and went for a training walk on Sunday morning.  The valley stand has holes thru the roof and floor.
 Poop of the week.  Somebody was holding this one for awhile.
 Still pretty green out there for late October.
The ferns have handled the frost.
The oaks are still green.
 Late thistle blooms.
 I think this culvert is doomed.  I'm pretty sure that I just need a bigger pipe.
 Black walnuts.
Chinese chestnut by the driveway.
 Any low oak branch by the field edge seems to generate a scrape.  I turned a camera to watch this one.
 Sunday morning walk.  3.1 miles and 928 feet of elevation.  Childs play versus the Rockies.
This turned into an 11,000 step day but 8,000 before lunch.
 You always have to wonder what spooked them.

I moved this camera because I thought there were no more pears to drop,

 But it had a fair amount of activity.



 Fox on the prowl.


Here's a few videos from my Saturday night hunt - does catching my wind.

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