We had 1.5" of rain overnight but it cleared up. It was really windy but I decided to risk it and fly the drone.
I haven't had it out in about 6 months. It's a re-learning experience each time.
It can definitely "see into" the woods at this time of year.
The pond is cloudy after all that rain.
I'll post some video links here as they finish uploading.
Drone A 3-10-19
Drone B 3-10-19
Drone C 3-10-19
Drone D 3-10-19
Drone E 3-10-19
No leaf canopy means seeing all the way to the ground.
Here's this week's wildlife news:
Wildlife versus People Eating
Firefall at Yosemite
PETA on Steve Irwin
Wolves to Control Moose
Poacher Freezes Deer to Report the Next Year
TV Hunter Turned Poacher
CA Hunting Promotion
A Perspective on Wolves and the ESA
Forbes - Wildlife Photographer of the Year
A Conservationists Cry
I didn't take this photo but I had a harrier hawk like this hunting over our fields today. It had to be a 4' wingspan.
There are a few signs of spring - daffodils.
I walked a lot of trails looking for shed antlers - no luck.
Human trash is prevalent on all field edges.
After basically disappearing for a month, the coyotes are back.
I haven't seen a turkey in some time though.
The pounce.
Did he get it?
Same camera, different time - something spooked this deer.
Another pounce sequence.
Possum vs deer.
Only antlers showing this week.
I think that this camera is busted.
I still had one camera acting up this week - it appears to be a battery issue. Hopefully solved now. The other rehab jobs seems to be working now (somewhat).
I re-aimed this one.
A taste of minerals last week.
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