Sunday, March 17, 2019

A Little Foodplot Maintenance

It's early for spraying plots but I thought I would try a targeted approach on some of the grass clumps in the clover. I'm using clethodim.
 I also did some frost seeding to keep the clover plots fresh.  I used this bag of seed since the mice had nibbled a hole in it.
 I just sort of broadcast the seed over the existing plots and hope that freeze/thaw makes good seed to soil contact.
I also encountered a few obstructions on trails.  Recent high winds have taken a toll.
I only found this one old, small, nibbled antler.  Probably last year's.
 I put out just a little ear corn to get them thru this last period before green up.  The clover is barely sprouted but there were 5 deer out in the field last night nibbling it.
I did the camera tour on foot this week.  It was about 11,000 steps.
 This was a curious discovery.  A bone twisted in barbed wire.  I have no idea how long it's been there but I don't think that there could have been a deer stuck in that wire without being noticed.  So would someone pick up a bone and twist it in the wire for some reason?
 A pretty good size burrow made by something - ground hog?
 There was a little ear corn between me and the Ranger.  It had been there overnight and appears to have gone untouched.
I resorted to driving around with the backpack sprayer to get some areas with the grass killer.

This week's wildlife news:

NYT Opinion - Northern Rockies - Carole King

BBC Kenya Elephant Queen

BBC - Chickens Kill Fox

Grizzlies Awaken

Pop Sci - Eat More Roadkill

Deer Cull in Maryland

Nat Geo - Cougar Leftovers


Wolf Delisting

 Somehow, I missed setting the clock on this camera.
But the deer are using the atv trail too.
Little buck - hasn't dropped yet.
 One side drop.
 Three does wander out.
Followed by two more.
 This camera wasn't producing much - I'm trying another nearby spot.  It may just be on its last legs.
Busy night in the pond field.


Two coyotes

 What all those predators are looking for - bunnies.  I get as many bunny photos as I do squirrels.
Some sort of bird triggered this photo - upper left corner.  I'm not sure what it was.
 Camera tour on foot.

The harrier was back this week.  Saw him on Sunday.

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