Sunday, May 5, 2019

More Rain, Signs of Spring, Some Turkey Talk

 This was just outside our kitchen door at home.  A robin picked this spot in a high traffic area.
Hasn't bothered her much though - they hatched,
My nephew Dave ran his first marathon this weekend - The Flying Pig.
 He did amazing.  I watched him on the app while turkey hunting.
 Everything is saturated and it just kept coming.  It finally stopped as we were leaving on Sunday afternoon.  I'm not sure when I'm going to get my field work done.
 Since it was raining, I wimped out and went to the driveway stand.  I called in this bird from across the driveway.
Unfortunately, she was a hen.  But I figured that she was natural bait.
She came in and checked out my decoy after grazing in the field for awhile.
Here's a video of her approach.  Hen called in
 And the face-off with the decoy.  Hen meets decoy  I kept trying to call in a Tom - the real hen would wince when I called.  Might be a clue.
 I tried over-seeding the plot where the annual clover died off and left patchy perennial clover.  I probably waited too long - the weeds have a pretty good start.
 In the middle of that field I found this skeleton.  Not sure what it was or why it died here.
 In another spot on my travels I found this bird remnant - someone had a feast.
 Probably the largest tree on the property.
 Everything is super wet.
 Interesting tree.
 At one point, I was sitting at the kitchen table and  there was an onslaught of birds.  There was a female cardinal and a blue grosbeak who both had a death wish - repeatedly flying into the window.  And then this happened.  Hummingbird Attack
 Woodpecker work site.
Last week hunt.

 Since they do seem to be growing antlers already, I have been putting out more minerals.
And the minerals are popular.
 Sometimes causing conflict.

Coat looking ragged.

 Tis the season.  First a hen...

...then a gobbler.
 First a hen...
 then a gobbler.

 The usual predators.

And the bait.

Last minute discovery - dead dove in barn.  Not sure when, how, or why.

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