Monday, July 15, 2019

Strange Growing Season - Decision Time

 Mid-July and still getting over 1" of rain per week.  It's been very wet so far this year.
I'm not sure what happened to this sunflower planting.  The grass just took over.  That has been a trend this year - less warm season annual weeds and more grass.
 There are a few sunflowers in this field but they are rare and short.  I'm giving up on it and am going to plow it under.  Will plant this strip in a fall plot - brassicas.
 This is a powerplant food plot.  It's hard to even see the stuff in there because of the 5' tall grass.
 There are beans and peas mixed in but hard to find.  I'm going to plant some strips of brassica in these fields too.
 Even in the pumpkin/zucchini plot, the predominate weed is grass.
The zucchini is starting to fruit even though the rows look terrible.
The pumpkins are highly variable.  Some rows decent, others nonexistent.
Vines starting to run which will be the end of rototilling.

Evidence of some deer inside the tape.  With all the rain, I should have applied the smelly stuff more frequently.
 I wonder if this was the culprit.
 Saturday evening deer watch at sunset.
 The clover field at the orchard.  Frost seeding worked well to fill in for the annual clovers.  Lots of grass in this field but mowing helps.
Going to be a bumper crop of apples this year.  As you will see, the deer are already on them.
 My aerator compressor died.  I had already ordered a different style - hopefully it will be installed soon.  I gave the pond a Seclear treatment (the blue stuff).
 Starting the prep for fall food plot planting.
 I put several hot hours in the pumpkin patch.
 As previously mentioned, the rows are highly variable.  I ran out of time and never got about 1/4 of the plot planted.
We have Monarchs around - but not a lot of them.
 My niece in CA has been posting the progress of their caterpillars on milkweed.  Voracious eaters out there.  I'm not seeing any caterpillar evidence (yet).
 Lots of other types of butterflies.
 Many swallowtails.
 Not sure what these bugs are but they should "get a room".
 I have literally acres of milkweed and no monarch caterpillars so far.

 Lots of other flowers too.
 Wild blackberries are ripening.
 Keeping the buck minerals out.
 A few photos from last weekend.

 The fawns continue to frolic.

Picking apples off the tree.
And munching on them.

Wineberries are pretty picked over but there were some still available.  I didn't have time to partake.
 A couple of birds on wing photos this week.
 I'm not sure what they are.

 A rare skunk encounter.
Coyote enjoying an apple already.



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