Sunday, June 6, 2021

Fawning Time, Planting Pumpkins

Big change in weather versus last week - we are in the 80's.  In Mason, we had 2" of rain this week but the gauge at the farm only showed 0.2".  We're unusually dry at the moment but rain predicted almost all of the upcoming week.  I got out the water wagon to give my transplants and new fruit trees a drink.

The pond is unusually low for the start of June.
I pretty much got the rest of the pumpkin patch planted.  I could squeeze in some more rows if I really wanted to.

The food plots that I planted a couple weeks ago are showing some germination.

Some sunflowers poking up among the dry clay.
The rain this week should put them in turbo mode.
All of the clover plots are looking good right now - not too hot yet,
The sunflowers for Joan in the pumpkin plot are up too.
I got the deer tape up around them this week.
I hope that the birds enjoyed the cherries - they didn't leave me any,
I'm not sure how much longer this remaining cherry tree is going to make it.
The old apple trees are bearing a lot of fruit.
I was concerned about the severe pruning that they got but they look ok.
Enjoying a cold one on the camera tour after an afternoon in the pumpkin patch.
Keeping the minerals replenished.
This doe looks ready - she could be one of the ones below.
The fawns are arriving - so far no sign of any twins.
Twins are an indication of plentiful food availability - ie deer herd below carrying capacity.
They all look just days old.

And then we have the predators who would like to find a fawn.  Here a bobcat,
I wonder if we have a male/female pair.  Sometimes they look smallish (this one) and sometimes they look like a bruiser.
The coyotes are always around but the don't seem quite as numerous this year.

And we have the parade of turkeys.  The Tom and the three jakes.

This one dusted itself in this spot for some time.

The bucks continue to develop.

The always popular oak tree,
And the ticks are a nuisance behind the ears.

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