Monday, August 9, 2021

Grandkid Fun and Other Stuff

Thanks to Ron who got our A/C working again - just in time for the sweaty weather. And the good news is that the mysterious dead mouse smell has diminished too. With grandkids in town to help with farm chores, life is good. Charlie and I handled the gate chores via atv.

Wise guys know all the camera locations.
Charlie helped with bush-hogging.
And watering the twigs that used to be a new cherry tree.
Fueling up the Kubota.
Charlie helped to inspect the pumpkins and harvest the zucchinis.
We checked on progress and could see a variety of pumpkins.
Acorn squash.
Delicata squash.
Butternut squash.
Impenetrable pumpkin rows.
Zucchini rows.
Gourds (white flowers).
A few hints of what was a nice stand of sunflowers before the deer got to them.
The new deer plots are up but they need some rain.
It's a little unclear how much of this green stuff is weeds.
He gets around on his own pretty well.
We had several fishing excursions.
Lucy was the winner of first fish, best fish, most fish, each time.
She also donated the most worms.
Buts she was quite dedicated to the effort.
Mommy also participated (in between hook baiting duties).
We had several nice walks with the dogs.  The butterflies were out including this zebra swallowtail.
Also Monarchs, yellow and black swallowtails.
It was cooler in the shade of the woods.  We had several Olympic events including High Hurdles and cross valley sprints Momentum for the Big Hill Watch for the agony of defeat.
The dogs had a very enjoyable time Dog Laps  We covered about 3 miles they must have done 5.
Both dogs and people needed attention to be rid of hitchhiker burrs and ticks.  A few insect bites happened.  
This squirrel has become bothersome.  He opened the top of that feeder and a dove went in head first to try for some seed.  He got himself stuck but I got him out alive when the kids raised the alarm.
Helping with the camera tour.
And a ton of Ranger rides.

Some fun trailcam photos.  Turkeys dusting.

There are some poults surviving.

Is this a vulture?
Some fawns.


And the bucks.

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