Sunday, October 29, 2023

Chasing but no Shots.

It was a wet weekend with two active nights in stand.  The mornings were quiet but I got chores done in the mid-day.

The first night I spent in the driveway stand and a couple does came by.  They enjoyed the brassica. Video of Doe Munching 

They wandered off and no bucks were spotted.
This a view back across the brassicas in the driveway field.
On the second night, I had some young bucks chasing does all over the place. Buck Chasing Does

I walked the camera tour without the dogs.  Too wet and they were just groomed.
Some trees past peak but this sassafras was looking good.
The prairie plot is five or six feet tall.
The clover recovered nicely in the main field.
This is a brassica/soybean field that the weeds took over.  Weeds starting to wane but brassica still green.
In spite of the rain, the pond is still low.  Van did some work for the shooting range this week.
He got the posts in for the target stand.
And he put some underground anchors in to try to keep the building on the ground in a wind storm.
Out for the walk.
Pond stand clover.
Barn stand clover.
The raccoon has visited again.
I did some shooting.  Think I'm going with the 6.5CM for the deer hunt.
The bottom two groups are off the bench and it's shooting about 1 MOA sighted in 2" high at 100 yards.  The top right group is sitting off sticks at 100 yards - one flyer.  The big group is 9 shots standing off sticks at 100 yards with the 375.  Probably "moment of buffalo" but I'd sure like to be better than that.
I decided to clean the suppressor,  So, I got the box for it out of the gun safe to get a tool for teardown.  The mice had been in my gun safe and shredded the foam in this box. How do they do that?
Pre teardown.
Baffles removed.
Some of the carbon that came out of this thing.
Last week touring with Joan.

On the way in to a morning hunt.
On the way back for breakfast.
And an evening hunt.
Violet on the tour.
The usual doe activity.

An occasional buck.
Exit stage left.

There's a crowd in the background.
I trimmed branches off the main branch supporting this licking branch and it raised it.  
It still gets interest though.

Deer and turkeys.
Coyote and buck.
Lots of coyotes.

And a couple of turkeys.

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