In preparation for the Sunday hunt, we had fleet (flock) exercises on Saturday. It drove the dogs nuts.
Since it was raining, I decided to make some jerky. Joan always appreciates the aroma.
The rain stopped and I went out to set up the turkey blind in a clearing on the ridge trail. Dave saw some turkeys fly up to the roost near here during deer season one year.
Sunday morning sunrise - I heard one gobble on the walk in but he was pretty far off.
A pretty good thunderstorm came thru at about 8:00 so I walked back to the pond house, sat on the swing, had a cup of coffee and waited for it to pass.
Eventually I went back to the blind, then up to breakfast, then for a walk thru the atv trails calling, but I never heard another gobble. This plant was in the clearing - is it hairy vetch?
I checked one of the cameras on the walk in.
And I climbed up in the hi-rise stand for a look. The clover is coming back since I sprayed it for weeds.
Next I sprayed the fruit trees and then I spent the rest of the day bush-hogging. I try to cut the entire field at least once per year to keep the trees from taking over. I've been letting a few cedars live.
In the course of this mowing, I ran over this shed antler. It looks like it was a pretty large 4 point at one time.
The day ended up clearing nicely by the time we left.
Not alot of action on the trailcams. A couple of bucks have sprouted about 4" antlers.
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The main thing showing up on camera was me.