Sunday, April 15, 2012

Dave, Dawn and the twins were planning to come out this weekend after the boys soccer game on Saturday.  The game got rained out so they made to the farm on Saturday afternoon.  Unfortunately, the rain followed them out.  We played cornhole in the barn for awhile and then decided to go for a ride to check the cameras.  Of course the skies opened up on us while we were out and about.
We did get some minerals spread before it started pouring on us.
As you can see, we were pretty wet by the time we got to this camera.
On Sunday morning, Dave had the boys try out their new BB gun. Dave had seen a red fox by the driveway earlier in the morning.
Holding off-hand is pretty tough but they managed to poke some holes in cups and bottles holding pond water.

After mastering the shooting range, the boys moved on to fishing.
There were some difficulties and the fish weren't cooperating - it seemed like they were still asleep.
The best way to wake up the fish is to chuck a few rocks in the pond.

The boys went for a hike in the woods and just as Graham was ready to collapse from exhaustion, I rescued them with the Ranger.  We took a tour and Dawn noticed this garter snake in one of the creeks as we were crossing.
On the tour we stopped to investigate a new crime.  One of the trailcams is missing - this is the spot where it used to live.  I have to assume that some trespasser took it.  It was one of my oldest ones that had been repaired twice - no great loss.  But I really don't like people on the property.
It used to be screwed into the tree right here.
There were lots of wildflowers out in the woods.
The dogwoods were blooming.
We had the first real picnic of the year for lunch.
I plowed a few fields (again).  I seem to be losing the battle with weeds in my clover plots.
Graham found this elm tree where the deer had stripped the bark.
Joan caught a few rays and read a book while I worked in the fields.
Turkey season opens a week from tomorrow.  The weather has been so warm this year I wonder if the mating season came early.  I didn't hear one gobble this weekend.

The bucks are just starting to grow their new antlers.

The does like the minerals too.
The evening parade - 5 out in the field.

Overnight on Saturday, somebody lifted their leg on the grill and left a large pile in the grass.  It appeared to be dogfood fed - probably the neighbor's lab.  We seem to have a real territory marking thing going on at my porch - coyotes, dogs, coons, etc.
I don't know why I included this Japanese maple from home - I just like this tree alot.

I saw this article and it sounded a little like me.  I'm not sure how long this link will work.

WSJ Article

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