Sunday, April 22, 2012

Quiet Weekend

The weather turned cold and it was raining on Saturday morning.  I made a spin of the cameras and they were all still there (one stolen last week).  Here's a couple of shots that showed up on camera from last week.
Dave and the boys are out in the plowed field looking for worms (for fishing).  Dawn is obviously supervising the effort.
Here I am turning the field again about an hour later - might have been easier to find the worms then.
I took a walk around the "back 40" on Saturday.  Here's a rotten old beech.  I basically just hand cleared broken branches from the trails.
This iron post (painted orange) is a corner of the property way out from the barn.
There was a very localized "micro-burst" with up-rooted and broken trees.

I did find another turtle shell to add to the collection on the pegboard.
It took some doing, but I got a fire going to burn up some of the pruned fruit tree branches.
It is not recommended to wear synthetic fibers while working around fires.
Elk burgers for dinner.  Yum...
Sydney took watching from the bench to a new level.
In the last couple of weeks, both Dave and I have seen this red fox during daylight hours.
What do you think this is?  Skraggly fox?  Fox puppy?  Coyote puppy?  Neighbor's dog?
A turkey seems to pass by this camera in the evening quite frequently.  I heard a couple of gobbles this week.  The season opens tomorrow morning but I won't give it a try till next weekend.
This picture was interesting - that's a turkey in the middle and I believe that's a deer's ear on the right side.
A couple of coons out for the evening stroll.

And the ever-popular "checking the camera" shots...

Fiesty doe chasing youngsters off the mineral lick.

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