Sunday, February 8, 2015

Shed Antlers and Coyote Hunt

Look what I found in the turnip field.
And this was only 20' away from it.
Looks like a matched pair.
And then I found another one.
Chloe was very interested in these additions to my collection.
I tried to hunt coyotes on Saturday evening.  I used this mojo-critter.  It's a motorized distractor that's supposed to look like a dying rabbit.
The critter was running but I hadn't started to call yet.  Six does came into the field and didn't know what to make of the critter.  They didn't stay long when I gave them a blast of the dying rabbit call.
No coyotes but it was a beautiful sunset.
That's the main field hi-rise stand.
Last visit I put out a little corn.
Just enough to get some traffic in front of the cameras.
It had the intended result.
There were still some bucks around and most hadn't dropped antlers yet.
A couple had lost one of them.

Even these little guys were aggressive around the food (corn).
I'm not sure who won the fight.
I did a little clean up and burned some of the trees that were down on the field edges.  I always use the pit now.
On this tour I bumped a few deer.  This one stood right in the trail for me.
An unusually warm weekend for February.
We are still in a death struggle with mice in the cabin.  They ate thru this Crisco bottle.  I had one in a trap when I arrived.
Out for a walk on the last visit.  Took the 223 in case I got a shot at a coyote.
Much nicer this weekend.  I did some more hinge cutting on Sunday.

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