Sunday, July 23, 2017

Correction, Plot Planting, Trailcams

 In a previous post, I pointed out that this tree branch was getting a lot of attention from bucks (continuing). I identified the tree as a paw paw (and then posted more information on the paw paw tree).
 One of my more astute blog readers noticed that I had blown the species identification. Steve at Bluejay Barrens commented that it was a hickory - probably shagbark.  So, I looked more closely.
 Sure enough, those weren't paw paw fruit. I'm sure that I make these "rookie errors" frequently and I appreciate the corrections.
And, if I had just looked over at the trunk, it would have been obvious that it was a shagbark hickory - duh.  I guess it makes more sense that the deer are interested in it.  But I'm not sure if they're just using it as a rubbing branch or if they are actually eating anything.
 There are paw paws on the property.  I remembered this is one that my forester friend, Lee, pointed out to me years ago.  It's along an atv trail.  Still there.
 And you can see that the fruit is quite different than the hickory nuts.  What was I thinking?
 Speaking of trees, this fruit laden branch on the apple tree has just up and died.  I'm not at all sure why.
 The rest of the tree looks lovely.
 The pumpkin patch has filled in.  The predominate weed this year appears to be grass (versus pigweed in previous years).
I may have put the rows a little closer this year - seemed like all I did in years past was grow weeds.  Hopefully they're not overly crowded.
 Lots of blossoms and a few fruit have started.
 We had 1/2" of rain and I wasn't sure that the fields would be dry enough to work.
 My summer annual food plot looks yellow and is dominated by grass-like stuff. not sure if it is what I planted or unwanted weeds.
 You can see some of the intended stuff in the mix.
 I did get two fall food plots planted.  Beets and Greens in the barn field.  This is beets, turnips, radishes, and rape.
 And Pure Attraction at one end of the main field.  Great marketing names on a bag of mostly oats.  I'm planting perennial clover on the other end but will wait and plant it later.
Lots of milkweed pods around.
I noticed this wasp nest near one of my cameras.
 Here's a new visitor - he's wearing a collar.
Nice buck.  I did a little weeding in the clover patch via brush-hog.
 Another nice buck.
 And another
 For comparison
 Bachelor group time

Some weird looking turkey activity

 Fawn frolic continues

 Back to the hickory branch

 Beam me up Scotty

 Nice pair

 Well, I was in Tractor Supply so might as well grab one of those blocks.
Quick trip this week.  I somehow left Joan's bag at home so we turned around and went back after I finished my chores.

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