Sunday, July 2, 2017

Grandkids, Berries, Peaches, etc

 All four grandkids are in town for the holiday weekend.  We tried out the new playset.
Of course there was plenty of touring.
 We did some fishing.
 Many worms consumed, less fish landed.
 A few bluegills were hooked.
 All types of fishing equipment was used (that's a cane and a bunji cord).
 Many vehicles were driven.
The boys like the big tractor.
 Trailcams caught some of the action.  There will be more on cards not yet recovered.
Lots of helpful navigators.
 Amy was the fishing queen.
 Holding grandpa's hand.
 Toe dipping.
 Peach picking - first ever peach harvest and they were awesome.
More fishing.
Nature hike.
 Keen eyed sentries.
 Help with chores.
 Wineberries picked - some blackberries too.
 Amy spotted the blue-tailed skink
 Pumpkins tilled for weed suppression.
 There were other young-ones out and about.

 Check the ticks on this guy's back.  We picked quite a few off of our bodies too.
Hawk in the background?
 Bucks developing nicely.

 Bird type?  I released a dozen quail last winter and have never seen them since...
Turkeys of course.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!

    Expect me to have lots of questions about your fruit trees. The instructor at the class I went to said that peach trees in this part of Ohio are amazing if you can handle the frost loss year after year.
