Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Reality of Winter

We're having a tough winter this year.  It's been exceptionally cold and snowy - and we aren't even to February yet.  We didn't head to the farm until Saturday evening this week.  We attended a friend's funeral on Saturday afternoon. 

Joan had a pot roast in the crockpot which worked out well.  It's always a bad sign when you pull into the farm and the yard light isn't on.  The next clue is when you hit the garage door opener and nothing happens.
 So we barreled thru the snow in the dark to get down the driveway.  I went in thru the mandoor, released the opener and manually lifted the garage door.  We pulled in, found the flashlights, lit candles and ate semi-warm pot roast by lantern light in a 50 degree cabin.
I got the wood stove fired up and the cabin was up to 53 by the time the power came back on.  It was really weird with the power off, there was just enough power to partially light up one light fixture. 
I finally figured it out.  I had a new atv battery on a charger "maintaining".  When the power went out, I think this battery was back feeding the cabin with 6v DC.  When I disconnected it, the fixture went out. 
We learned something.  Tempurpedic beds at 50 degrees are very similar to rocks.
Hard to see in this picture but the drifts were over a foot deep.  Made it tough to open the gate when we arrived. 
The dogs had a hard time getting out to do their business. 
My morning walk was more cardio than usual. 
Some spots weren't so deep. 
Hard to see in this picture but there are 3 does out in the driveway field.  I took this shot from the turnips at around 11:00am. 
The deer are working all of the fields - digging down to remaining clover leaves. 
They appear to be working awfully hard to get a few bites. It was 7F this morning at sunrise.
Not one dry bean left on any of these stalks in the soybean fields. 
Major excavation work in all of the clover fields. 
I've also seen the deer with their noses in the cedars.  I think that they're after these blue berries. 
It's fun to see the "deer highways" in the snow. 
The ponds are frozen over except where I have an aerator.  It's supposed to get even colder this week with lows well below zero. 
I did get the tractor out and drag plow the driveway.  I ordered propane about 10 days ago and it still hasn't been delivered.  They better make it this week. Getting very low...
Huge canine tracks right down the porch.  Coyote or black lab? 
I went for a ride in the ranger to keep it charged up.  I almost got stuck in these side-hill drifts. 
Last weekend I got my Christmas present from Aunt Karen mounted.  Deer hoof hat rack. 
I decided to stay and sit in the barn stand Sunday evening last week.  We had a beautiful sunset and seven does came out to frolic.  A couple of young ones ran laps around the field like they were playing tag.  I suspect they were just trying to stay warm. 
Here I am on the way to the driveway stand last Saturday afternoon. 
I walked all around under this camera that I put on the stair tower to the hi-rise stand.  It didn't trigger until I was right under it. 
Button buck. 
Doe - looks healthy. 
Looking for more apples - out of luck. 
Fox.  Camera says -6F. 
Tom again.

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