Sunday, September 21, 2014

Trailcams 9-20-14

 We were gone for two weeks and several of the cameras were loaded.  This buck is in the process of losing his velvet.  I think they all finished while we were gone.
 One camera had the SD card in backwards - not sure how I did that.  Two nice bucks here.  When we arrived Friday night, two nice bucks like this ran across the driveway in front of us.
 There are a number of bucks with very similar wide 8 point racks running around out here.

 This camera has a flash that seems to be failing.  This wide 8 has little nubs for brow tines.
Same buck
A day later, same camera, different buck. Notice bend in right brow tine.

 I put deer cane blocks on this stump by the ridge stand.  They keep knocking them into the hollow center.

This is the mutant with a two point right side.  Losing velvet.
Everybody interested in the inside of this stump.

Even the fawns.
 This camera is at the field by the barn stand.  It's on a persimmon tree.
 Getting some interest.
 Turkey in daylight from the persimmon camera.
More velvet shedding.
 Apples.  Some fawns still in spots.
Coyotes like apples too - in daylight.

 In case you thought there was only one coyote.  I had tons of photos this week of coyotes.

Turkeys are out and about too.

 Turkey head in foreground.

Traffic has slowed considerably on this camera.  Is it the camera or the traffic?
 These twin fawns are out of spots.
Checking out the camera.

 This is the camera where I had the card in backwards - only had about 20 shots.
Earlier this year there was a mainframe 10 point with large brow tines.  Haven't seen him in a month or so.

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