Sunday, September 23, 2018

Pumpkin Harvest Progressing

 A couple of these were testing my capacity to lift them unassisted.
There's a nice selection this year of large pumpkins, odd balls, gourds, and pie pumpkins.
 What's missing is sort of the mid-size carvers.
There are some good ones out there that really give you a surprise when you pull on the stem.
 The stem just comes off and there's goo underneath.  I'll be working in this patch to harvest for weeks to come.
 This was a really nice large one where the stem was rotten but the pumpkin seems fine.
 I got my new pack already and loaded it up with even more ballast this week.
 It was a pretty good deal from Midway-USA.  And I like the sounds of this warranty.
 This week's hike - I aborted a little earlier than planned due to rain.  Used the new pack and it was cool enough to break in my new insulated boots.
 I saw a few interesting things on this walk.  This was a colorful fungi.  I walked close to the property borders in some areas.
Crossed several creeks.  The app says that I covered elevations from 750 to 1130 feet above sea level.
 Some of the boundary marking done earlier this year.
Those sure look like canines and it was a pretty good sized jaw - coyote?  Didn't find the rest of him.
One of the property corners.
 A neighbor has soybeans in this year.
 I think this is a Chinese chestnut (near the barn).
This is the new clover field.  I've been worried about weeds in this one.  It had a couple of bucks standing in it near sundown.
Pretty good size print.
I was worried about being late planting - this brassica has come in nicely.
The clover field beside it.  It has some chicory in it too.
 A persimmon tree that has lost its leaves and is loaded with fruit.
 Asters I believe.
The pond had one end looking bad again.  Steve commented last week that maybe it is just tree pollen.  It had green and red stripes in it.
 I fished some out with a stick and it seems pretty fibrous.  I sent photos into Jones Fish - we'll see what they say.
 The far end of the pond looked great.
 Overnight we had 1/8" of rain and the slime was completely gone.  Could it just be pollen that floated out the overflow?
On the hike last week.
 This weeks hike over 2 hours.  Doesn't seem like many steps but the equivalent of 40 flights of stairs hits you.
The coyotes were active - often in groups of two or three.

If you look carefully in this one, I think you can see the top of a third coyote down the hill.

 Less turkey activity.

Several large confabs of does.
 Fawns frolicking.
This is Junior.  He's been a regular.

This guy has big brow tines on a tight "basket rack".

 Still in velvet?

I haven't come up with a good name for this guy with the odd tine.

 Already getting a little sparring activity.
 7 point.

The squiggle (or whatever).

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